
lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Encuentro Comenius en San Juan del Puerto

Entre los días 9 al 13 de noviembre, ha tenido lugar en nuestro centro el encuentro con el resto de los socios del proyecto. Aunque han sido muchos los preparativos y los quebraderos de cabeza para que todo saliese bien, debemos de estar contentos de nuestro trabajo. Como coordinadora del proyecto, quiero dar las gracias a todos los compañeros y compañeras del centro por vuestro esfuerzo porque de alguna forma u otra todos habéis aportado vuestro granito de arena.

Me he sentido especialmente orgullosa de todos los alumnos y alumnas que han participado en las diferentes actividades. Creo que tanto en los días previos al encuentro trabajando en las presentaciones, los carteles, la decoración etc. a la hora del recreo, como en las excursiones a las que habéis asistido como acompañantes de los colegas alemanes e italianos, vuestro comportamiento ha sido exquisito y por ello hemos recibido muchas felicitaciones. Sin vuestra colaboración este encuentro no habría salido tan bien.

Por ultimo, agradecer al profesorado y alumnado alemán e italiano vuestras ganas de participar en todas las actividades programadas con tan buena disposición.

miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

Reunión con el alumnado seleccionado para el encuentro Comenius en Lippstadt

A menos de 15 días para el encuentro Comenius en Lippstadt (Alemania) nos hemos reunido hoy con el alumnado seleccionado y con sus familias para informarles de los últimos detalles del viaje.

Manuel Mendo (3ºESO), Anabel Gil (4ºESO), José Antonio González (2ºBH)y Noelia Minchón (2º BH)tras la exposición de sus trabajos, fueron seleccionados a finales del curso pasado para representar al centro en este tercer encuentro. A lo largo del verano han tenido la oportunidad de ponerse en contacto a través del correo electrónico con los alumnos y alumnas alemanes que van a acogerlos en sus familias y se muestran muy ilusionados con conocer en persona a sus nuevos amigos, visitar el instituto alemán y vivir la experiencia de este encuentro.

¡Disfrutad y aprended mucho de esta oportunidad!

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Traditional and Colonial Architecture in Andalusia (by Adrián Rodríguez)

Our grandmothers (by Tomás Sayago)

Common diseases in Huelva and Belfast (by Lorena Garrido)

Flamenco Opera (by Manuel Expósito)

Present and Past in music / Pasado y presente en la música (por Rocío Martín)

El encuentro en Irlanda del Norte (por Rocío Martín)

Todo empezó el día 17 de mayo cuando los nervios me recorrían el cuerpo tan solo de pensar que dentro de unas horas estaría en Irlanda del Norte pero cuando me di cuenta ya era la hora. Todos estábamos nerviosos, contentos, trasvelados, no podíamos describir esa alegría por nuestro interior. Pasaron las horas y cuando llegamos todo era diferente, todo era verde, hacía frío, los coches estaban al revés, la gente hablaba inglés, muchas cosas y todos nosotros estábamos asombrados.
El primer día fuimos a comer todos juntos y a conocernos, conocimos a los italianos, y cenamos muy temprano, en cuanto llegamos nos fuimos a dormir porque estábamos muy cansados del viaje.
Al día siguiente fuimos al centro había un montón de tiendas y usamos el dinero de forma diferente (libras).
Otros días fuimos a museos como el del Titanic, trenes, coches y casas antiguas nos lo pasamos muy bien poniéndonos en la situación de esa época. También fuimos al colegio fue una de las cosas que más me gustó , el silencio , el estudio, las instalaciones , los alumnos hablando con nosotros .
Una cosa que me gustó mucho de Irlanda del Norte es la imagen de cada uno, a nadie le importa nadie, cada uno va como quiere porque cada uno es como es y no le importa nada más y me gustó mucho , nadie criticaba a nadie .
A la vuelta todos decíamos que fue algo inolvidable, fue una experiencia nueva en la que vivimos y aprendimos muchas cosas.

Cuando supe que me iba a Belfast / When I knew I was going to Belfast (by Adrián Rodríguez)

Cuando supe que me iba a Belfast durante cinco días me alegré bastante, pero no me imaginé lo que ese viaje me iba a suponer.

Conocer un país nuevo, con nuevos paisajes y un clima distinto está bien, pero es el hecho de convivir con personas de otros países, comunicarte con ellos y ver la forma en que trabajan lo que realmente te cambia la perspectiva y te hace ver lo diferente que es el extranjero. Además, te das cuenta de lo útil que es el inglés.

Jamás olvidaré el instituto norirlandés, ni a nuestras compañeras italianas, ni lo mucho que todos nos reímos. En definitiva, jamás olvidaré el viaje, aunque fuera corto es una bonita experiencia que todos los estudiantes deberían poder disfrutar.

When I knew I was going to Belfast for five days, I was quite happy, but I didn't imagine what that travel was going to mean to me.

Knowing a new country with new views and a different weather is good, but the fact of living with people from other countries, talking with them and seeing how they work is what really opens your mind and makes you see how different countries are . In addition, you realize how useful English is.

I will never forget the high school in North Ireland or our Italian partners, or how much we laughed. In conclusion, I will never forget this travel, although it was short. It's a very beautiful experience that everybody should be able to enjoy.

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

Better late than never / Más vale tarde que nunca

Durante el 19 al 22 de mayo tuvo lugar el II Encuentro Comenius en Belfast con todos los socios del projecto. Por fin el video de dicho encuentro. De nuevo, agradecer a los socios norirlandeses por su hospitalidad.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Entrevista en la radio

El pasado 4 de mayo visitamos la radio de San Juan del Puerto. El motivo de nuestra visita no fue otro que, aprovechando que entre el 2 y el 9 de mayo se celebra en toda Europa la Semana Comenius, pensamos que era una buena ocasión para dar a conocer la participación de nuestro centro en una asociación Comenius.

Gracias a Javier por darnos la oportunidad de compartir con sus oyentes nuestro proyecto.

sábado, 23 de abril de 2011


El pasado 4 de febrero se hizo la prueba de selección del alumnado para el viaje a Belfast que tendrá lugar entre el 18 y el 22 de mayo. En dicha prueba los alumnos/as seleccionados por el profesorado que participa en el proyecto Comenius, tenían que explicar los trabajos que habían realizado en relación a dicho proyecto. Frente a un jurado formado por Mónica Latasa, Fernando Guevara y Beatriz Rodríguez fueron pasando de uno en uno para exponer los trabajos hechos hasta la fecha.

De 2º de la ESO se presentaron: Mª Carmen Toscano, Rocío Martín, Manuel Expósito y Rocío Bueno
De 3º de ESO: Rocío Benítez, Mª Carmen Fernández, Nadiya Kovalska y Mª Isabel Sánchez-Collado
De 4º de ESO: Isabel Manzano, Martina Rodríguez, Tomás Sayago, Inmaculada Cárdenas y Cinta Rodríguez
De 1º BH: Marta Martínez, Jose Antonio González, Lorena Garrido, Estefanía Soto, Carmen Gil, Rocío Muñoz, Rafael García, Juan José Rebollo, Damián Sonda, Adrián Rodríguez, Javier Martín, Fco José Pérez y Juan Carlos Robles

Todos se lo tomaron muy en serio y la selección, como podéis imaginar no fue nada fácil. Finalmente los seleccionados fueron:
Rocío Martín, Manuel Expósito, Martina Rodríguez, Tomás Sayago, Lorena Garrido y Adrián Rodríguez.

Enhorabuena a los seleccionados y ánimo para el resto del alumnado, seguid participando en las diferentes actividades que aún quedan otros dos encuentros: uno en Alemania y otro Italia.

Receta de pizza mexicana y merluza al horno

Receta de samón, Yuca y bollitos de leche

View more documents from beatriz44

Receta de tortilla de patatas y croquetas de chocolate

View more presentations from beatriz44

Receta de poleá

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011


Los Palitos hace más de 20 años era la playa de nuestros abuelos, y a día de hoy es agua sucia y contaminada.
Es un sitio tranquilo para pasear y relajarse. Muchísimas personas van a hacer deporte  y sigue habiendo más de uno que en verano se tira al agua.
Hubo un tiempo que nadie pisaba por allí ya que estaba bastante mal, pero cada vez lo están poniendo mejor y con más cosas que representan a San Juan, como un barco de  piedra que estaba en la plaza de la marina de aquí .

La verdad que es un sitio agradable  y sobre todo nuestro trocito de playa.
                            Paloma Aguilar. 4º B

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

Women in History

MARGARET THATCHER (by Noelia Fernández)

Margaret was born in Grantham, in 1925. She was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990.
In 1975 she became Leader of the Conservative Party and then, the first woman to head a major UK political party.
Following the 1979 general election, she became Britain's first female Prime Minister. Thatcher's popularity sank amid recession and high unemployment, although economic recovery and the 1982 Falklands War brought a resurgence of support and she was re-elected in 1983.

Women in history

Marie Curie (by Rosana Cáceres)

Marie Sklodowka-Curie was born in Poland on 7th November 1867.
She was a Polish scientist, specialist in the field of radioactivity.
Marie Curie was the first person to win two Nobel’s prizes and the first woman teacher in the University of Paris.
She got married with Pierre Curie, a famous scientist and they had two daughters, Ève Curie and Irène Joliot-Curie.
Marie Curie and her husband to carry out big achievements in the chemistry.
Marie died on 4th July 1934 because of anemia.

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Reflexión: Los roles sociales.

Después de recolectar la opinión de diferentes personas, de distintas edades y distinto sexo, las opiniones no se diferencian demasiado. En las tareas de la casa generalmente los niños ayudan menos que las niñas donde sus propios padres y familiares les crean esa falsa creencia de que las niñas por serlo deben limpiar, cuidar la casa mientras los niños juegan tranquilamente. Ese caso normalmente se da más en los pueblos que en las ciudades donde ya poco a poco se estabiliza el derecho y el deber de la repartición de dichas tareas.

En el mundo político la figura masculina predomina más que la femenina. Las diferentes opiniones de los encuestados en esta ocasión todas coinciden: Piensan y me incluyo en ella, que el machismo ciega a las personas creyendo así que las mujeres no sirven para gobernar al pueblo y no tienen cualidades habiendo en muchos casos un error grandísimo en esa afirmación, puesto que las mujeres en muchas ocasiones demuestran mayor poder de liderazgo.

Otro punto a objetar son los juguetes. Aunque parezca una tontería es un hecho importante lo que afecta a los niños los roles de este tipo. “Los niños coches teledirigidos y las niñas muñecas”. Siempre se ha creído eso lo correcto, y en mi opinión y la de mis entrevistados, no está bien. Los niños deberían poder jugar con el juguete que prefieran. Los roles les prohíben, por el miedo al rechazo del resto de la sociedad, hacer ese clase de cosas.

En el deporte hay mucha más variedad de opiniones sobre las supuestas razones de porque hay muchos más hombres que mujeres. Unas opiniones indican que es por la capacidad de las mujeres, que al ser distintas a los hombres les impiden jugar a juegos variados y diversos. Otras opiniones afirman que es por el machismo puesto que si entrenan a las mujeres pueden ser igual de buenas o incluso tal vez mejores que algunos jugadores de su deporte.

Las estadísticas indican que las mujeres tienen el nivel académico mucho más alto que los hombres, pero aun así hay muchas más mujeres en paro. Todas las opiniones coinciden en que el causante de esto aparte del desempleo es el machismo que de nuevo excluye a la mujer un poco de la sociedad. Los empresarios prefieren a hombres antes que a mujeres mejor cualificadas, no siempre, solo en distintos casos, pero es la mayoría de las ocasiones dadas. Eso para mí no es una opinión, sino una realidad.

En realidad todas nuestras opiniones coinciden en lo mismo. La sociedad ha cambiado los roles, sí, pero aún queda mucho por hacer y mucho por lo que luchar. La igualdad no es completa y quedan cosas pendientes por igualar. Estos solo son casos de roles, supongo, más conocidos, de tantos como hay. La mujer poco a poco se va involucrando más y más en la sociedad, pero como acabo de decir, poco a poco.

Ana Isabel Gil Sánchez 3º ESO C

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

Reflection: Women in textbooks (by Álvaro Perera)

Today in my class we’ve discovered that in our English book and others there weren’t any biographies about important women in the history, only men..
I think that, this is an example of Male chauvinism, because there have been also many important women. For Example: Marie Curie was a famous chemist, very important in Physic and Chemistry, Sophie Germain was a Mathematician and finally, Rosalind Franklin, who was an important Biophysics in England.
This is an important error, because these women have discovered important things that we all know in the actual society.

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

8 de marzo. Día de la Mujer.

El martes 8 de marzo, con motivo de la celebración del Día de la Mujer hemos inaugurado en el hall de nuestro centro la exposición “Mujeres en la historia”. En dicha exposición se exhiben los trabajos realizados por el alumnado sobre este tema en las distintas asignaturas, así como los trabajos para el proyecto comenius de los departamentos de inglés, francés y música.

Biografías de mujeres que han marcado un antes y un después en la historia, reflexiones sobre el papel de la mujer en nuestra sociedad o en los libros de texto, fotografías, etc. son algunos de los trabajos con los que podremos disfrutar a lo largo de este mes en los pasillos del instituto.

domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

My Grandmother (by Martina Rodríguez)

She was born on 6th January 1933 in Villanueva de los Castillejos. She had five brothers and one sister.
My grandmother went to school, from six to ten, in Castillejos. She went to school every day, on Saturdays too and she went all afternoons, except on Thursdays. On Thursdays a priest visited them in the morning and they prayed.
All of her brothers went to school too and when they were twelve years old, some of them went to different schools and others stopped studying.
My grandmother was sent to a boarding school in Portugal. Her favourite subject was Portuguese. She didn't like maths, or geography...
Her teachers were all nuns and they were very good with the pupils; they didn't beat them, they only scolded them.
After the school in the evening, my grandmother used to go to a friend's house to play with dolls. In the evening she didn't study and neither had they to do the homework.
When my grandmother was a teenager, she left the boarding school, she embroidered in Castillejos. In the evening, she used to walk down the road with her friends. On Saturdays and Sundays they went to church. At home she liked to read.
Her mother made her look at the maids while they were making beds or cooked the food... to learn from them.
My grandmother met my grandfather when he came to Castillejos to work as a teacher. On day her friends introduced her to my grandfather. My grandfather and his friend went to see my grandmother and her friends who were embroiders. The first time that my grandfather Patri saw her he fell in love and he said: "Can we see each other tomorrow?".
My grandmother never worked, because her parents had money. She has always lived in Castillejos.
In the summer, she and her sister went to Portugal to spend the holidays there. They used the bus to go from one place to another.
On Public holidays they went to a club. On weekends, she walked in the afternoon and she went to the cinema.
My grandmother thinks that life has changed a lot. At that time everyone didn't have car. My grandmother saw a telephone for the first time when she was 16 years old.
Before, the cylinder didn't exist and they had a shower with water warmed in the sun. My grandmother didn't have a TV in her childhood.
I have learned a lot from my grandmother Maricruz. I appreciate her very much and I give her all my fondness. Thanks to her I have been educated as a good person.

My grandmother (by Tomás Sayago)

My grandmother was born on April, 1939 in San Juan del Puerto, Huelva.
She lived in a rented house in the outskirts of San Juan with her six brothers and her five sisters.
She didn´t go to school because her family didn´t have any money .Only her sister María Dolores went to school because she was the youngest.
In her free time she used to play “teje” and she played skipping rope and “piola”. She also used to make clothes for dolls.
For Christmas, her parents used to give her a basket with three sweets.
At the age of seven she started to work. Later, when she was a teenager she used to help her mum, she cut wood and she fed her animals.
She used to look after sheep and pick up olives. She sometimes went from one place to another on her dad´s donkey and she used to guard a field where her dad grew melons.
At the age of fourteen, something terrible happened to her. Her sister Mercedes died when she fell from a tree.
Her sister Josefa had to move to Huelva because her husband couldn´t find a work in San Juan. Now, she lives there.
My grandmother met my grandfather when she was fourteen years old in the avenue.
My grandfather rode her in his motorbike and she fell in love with him.
They got married in San Juan del Puerto.
She had three sons and one daughter (my mother Mercedes).
She didn´t have holidays but she and her family used to go Mazagón in summer.
Her life changed completely when Tomás, the youngest of her sons, had an accident.
After twenty days in the hospital he died with sixteen years old.
When I was born, my mother gave me his name and my grandmother was happy.
My grandmother has taught me many things: to be a responsible and hardworking person and to enjoy what I have got now and she didn´t have.

My grandmother (by María del Carmen Domínguez)

My grandmother was born on 29 October, in Higuera de la Sierra (Huelva). Her family consisted of her three sister and her parents. In her childhood she lived in Higuera de la Sierra.

Neither she nor her sisters went to school. My grandmother didn't like any subjects and neither the teachers. She helped in the house. My grandmother used to play with the doll in her free time.

In her adolescence she worked in different houses taking care of children. In hr house my grandmother herped with the housework.

My grandmother met my grandfather in a dance when she was fiften years old and they gob married with eighteen years old. My grandmothr devoted herself work as a nanny. She had to emigrate to Sevilla and Cartaya. Her sister had to emigrate to Sevilla. The experience was good. She felt fine, because she went there to work. She made a living working in houses.

My grandmother went to dance sometimes a week, she waled along the mountains and she a went to the cinema. Her life changed when she starded having children. She had ten children.

My grandfather (by Rosana Cáceres)

Joaquin, my grandfather, was born on 27th January, 1935. He grew up with his parents, his brother and his two sisters. He lived in Toneleros street.

My grandfather went to school less than one year and his brother and sisters too. When he didn’t know the lesson, his teacher slapped him and shut him in a room. After school, he ate, if there was enough food at home and then he used to go to work.

In his free time he played marbles and football.
In his adolescence he went through many difficulties. Since my grandfather was 10 years old, he worked. In his house, his brother and sisters slept together in a bed.
When he was young, he never had holidays and at the weekends, he SAM in the river. Those Sundays when he had to go to school, he went to mass.
Until he wasn’t thirty years old and began to work, he didn’t have holidays.

When my grandfather was 22 years old, he went to Canarias to work and he was 22 months there. He felt very bad there.

My grandparents knew each other since they were children as they lived in the same street. One day he broke his trousers and my grandmother sewed them up and they began a friendlier relationship.

For my grandfather, life has changed in education, the treatment to persons and the condition of the life.

My grandmother (by Soraya Hidalgo)

My grandmother was born on October 25th, in 1938; in a country house nearly a village, called Calañas.
My grandmother grew up in relatievely big family. She had got six brothers, one sister and her parents.
She played the “rayuela” and the typical games of that time.
At the age of ten, she moved to the Cerro Del Andévalo. They lived in a small house, in a long and narrow street.
During her adolescence, my grandmother worked in the village selling milk. She had to the country to go to the village (Calañas).
She did that way every day to earn money.
Thanks to this tout she met with a boy that was working in the country. They went to pick up mushrooms and they fell in love.
Later, when my grandmother was an adult she moved to Calañas whit my grandfather. There they had children, one boy and three girls. The children helped them in the house, because my grandmother had to take care to his small son.
My grandmother always has taken care of me and my cousins. I believe my grandmother has been very brave that’s why I admire her.

My grandmother (by Isabel Manzano)

My grandmother was born on August 18th, 1947, in Coria del Rio, Sevilla. She had one sister and three brothers.
In her childhood she went to school only two or three years because she had to work and her brothers and her sister too. The time she was in a school she had only female teachers and they were very bad, they always punished her.
After school, my grandma worked in her house; she cleaned, cooked the food for everyone and used to take the food to her brothers to work.
She played to teje, skipped rope, played hide-and-seek, sang and dance, because she didn’t have any radios.
When she was 14 years old, she met my grandfather, because she was working in the country.
My grandmother worked in a factory of olive-oil, she used to pick up cotton for a factory and to take care of children.
At that time, many people emigrated to other countries, towns or villages but my grandma didn’t go. My grandfather emigrated to France and Switzerland a, because he had to work.
The experience was good, because he used to work in a restaurant. But also he felt sad because he couldn’t see his family and he met his son for the first time with eight months.
They used to move in the bus, my grandfather’s motorbike. They went to the cinema at the weekends and went to the beach on holidays.
The most significant changes in her life is were having five children, the death of her parents, being grandmother and learning how write and read in a centre of adults.
This is the life of my grandmother, her name is María Isabel or Maribel and I love her very much!

My grandfather (by Manuel Fernández)

He was born on 30th, 1937, in San Juan del Puerto, Huelva. His family consisted of his father, his mother and him.

At the age of five years he went to school. His favourites subjets were maths, geography and history. His teachers were very good with him, because they never hit him. He was a good student. He used to play with his friends after school. They used to play marbles and football.

As a teenager, he used to study to get the title Technical Education of mechanic. He used to help his mother in the house. My grandfather met my grandmother while he was walking in the town. I think it’s very typical.

He married on June 14th, 1964. Then they used to go to the cinema and to the beach. Sometimes, they travelled by car to Granada. He was working as a mechanic in Huelva.

The most significant changes in his life were his marriage and the birth of my mother. I think my grandfather is very important because he is the president of Cáritas (an organization to help poor people) and he is a fantastic person.

My grandmother (by Rocío Flores)

She was born on 1st of September 1934. She had got four brothers and two sisters. She lived in a house in Renfe, in San Juan del Puerto.
She walked three kilometers to go to the school, four times a day. Her favorite subject was Math. When she was small, the teachers hit her.
She helped her mother in the house, everyone had a task and who finished first helped the rest of the brothers. She used to skip the rope, she used to play with marbles and she used to play “piola” .
She worked in a factory where they built bricks, she cut bricks. She used a machine to cut them. She met my grandfather in the factory. It was love at first sight.
My family never emigrated. My grandmother went to different places by bike. Every Sunday she went to the village, to sleep in her relative´s house.

My grandfather (by Elías González)

My Grandmother was born on June 22nd, 1939.She had three sisters. She and her family lived in Huelva.

She went to the ``Holy Angel´´ school together with her three sisters. Her favourite subject was History her teachers were good but strict, as it was usual at the time.
After going to school, she enjoyed herself with her friends playing yo-yo, volleyball... She also helped her mother in the house. She had a happy infancy.
At the adolescence, she was employed as a secumstress. She met my grandfather on March 19-th- in a party.

She earned a living as a teacher of embroidery. She emigrated to Cádiz with her uncles, her relatives never emigrated.

Holidays and at the weekends she went to parties, to the country, to beaches...

The most important moment in her life was when she married my grandfather and she had her children.


My grandfather (by Belén Ruiz)

My grandfather was born on March 21 st, 1942 in Marmolejo, Jaen
He lived in a numerous family with her father and mother and with one brother and three sisters.
He went with her brothers and sisters to school; his favourite subjects were history, geography, and maths
His teachers were very bad. After school he did the homework and he also played football, rode his bike…
My grandfather had many responsibilities, he used to care for her brothers and sisters, and to help my great-grandmother.
When he was a teenager he liked to go out with his friends. My grandfather met my grandfather in San Juan while he was walking in the street
As an adult, he worked as a fitter and he went to work in a motorcycle
He has worked in Cordoba, Jaen, Cartagena, Tarragona, San Pedro de Alcantara and San Juan. He had to emigrate to work. His most important changes in life were having four girls and marrying with my grandmother

My grandmother (by Patricia Gil)

My grandmother was born on 1st September 1934 in San Juan del Puerto. She had four brothers but one of them died in his childhood she went to school with her brother and her sisters. She was in the school until she was 10 years. Then she went to work.

Her teachers went to school on foot. She doesn’t remember school very well. She usually played with her dolls after school; she usually worked in other people’s houses. When she was a teenager, she always worked. She washed the dishes. She played with dolls and she took care of her sister. She devoted her time to clean other people’s hours and work the country.
She didn’t have a car she had to walk or ride her bicycle.

My grandmother (by Rocío Gómez)

She was born on 2nd June 1936 in San Juan del Puerto (Huelva). Her name is María, she had two brothers and two sisters. She lived in San Juan del Puerto.

My grandmother went to school some days. Their brothers and sisters went to school some days to She didn’t like any subjects because they were very difficult. Her teacher was very good, her name was Mª Dolores.

She worked in her house looking alter her niece, she played “piola”, skipped the rope, hopscotch…

My grandmother used to go to the square to look for a boyfriend on Saturdays. She used to make the household, because her mum died, her sister worked and she had to the rest.
She was seventeen years when she met my grandfather in the street, where she lived. It was love at first sight.

She wasn’t working. She was always walking along the street. On holiday, she bathed in the river. At the weekends, she went to the movies.
According to my grandmother we live better now than before, because everything has changed for the better.

My grandmother (by Rocío Gómez)

She was born on 2nd June 1936 in San Juan del Puerto (Huelva). Her name is María, she had two brothers and two sisters. She lived in San Juan del Puerto.

My grandmother went to school some days. Their brothers and sisters went to school some days to She didn’t like any subjects because they were very difficult. Her teacher was very good, her name was Mª Dolores.

She worked in her house looking alter her niece, she played “piola”, skipped the rope, hopscotch…

My grandmother used to go to the square to look for a boyfriend on Saturdays. She used to make the household, because her mum died, her sister worked and she had to the rest.
She was seventeen years when she met my grandfather in the street, where she lived. It was love at first sight.

She wasn’t working. She was always walking along the street. On holiday, she bathed in the river. At the weekends, she went to the movies.
According to my grandmother we live better now than before, because everything has changed for the better.

My grandmother (by Ana Vázquez)

My grandmother was born on January 27th, 1938 in San Juan del Puerto.
She had a brother but he is dead. She has got a sister and two brothers.
At the age of six she studied in a house with an ad woman .When the old woman got angry. She was very bad. She worked in the country with the horses and she helped in the house.
She lived in San Juan del Puerto always. After school she worked picking up olives or sowing seeds, wheat…
She went out only on Sundays. She didn’t have any holidays. Some years later, my grandmother had to after of her sisters; a terminally ill woman.
She worked in Zufre in the house of a family. She cleaned and to take care of the children. She had few clothes. She used to cook the food for the family.
She met her husband in Zufre at worked in the country until she got married. At weekends, she went out with her friends. My grandmother thinks many that things have changed. At that time, there was a lot of poverty, they did not have, many things as there are now. 

My grandfather (by Sebastián Garrido)

My grandfather was born on April 23rd, 1947. He had three brothers. As a child, he was living in Peñarrolla (Córdoba), when he had the misfortune that his mother died of asthma with 35 years old; when he worked only 12 years. All his brothers went to school, where the discipline was very hard.
There was a teacher, who was the most demanding, he taught mathematics.
In spite of his exigency, his subject was the one that my grandfather liked the most.
In his free time he used to play with the top or to hide. He began to be my grandmother’s boyfriend at the age of 9, and since then they were together. When he had to work and simultaneously study.
As an adult he made a living, being employed at the factory; for he had to emigrate two times; the first time all his family emigrated to Puertollano, and the second time he emigrated to Huelva with my grandmother and his first two children. For him it was hard to move away from his father, though he was proud to have finished the career and being able to have a good working place in Huelva. Thanks to the money he earned, he had the opportunity to move in a car.
If my grandfather had some time, he took it to spend it with my grandmother.
He has experienced a few significant changes in life, as the electrical supplies, the respect between persons, the good habits, the technology and the medicine, the freedom of going out to the street without fears, etc.

My grandfather (by Victoria Almirón)

My grandfather was born on June 12, 1945 in Zalar (Granada).
He had two sisters and one brother. My grandfather went very rarely to school because he had to work. His brother and sister also went very rarely to school. My grandfather was very clever, he liked Maths a lot.

My grandfather and her family came across many difficulties, like shortage of food and the death of my dad. He helped his family working outside the house. My grandfather returned home every days, he had a difficult adolescence. He had to work and had no vacation. He worked all day: he had many different jobs in a mine (in Bilbao) in a construction of a factory (cellulose)...

My grandfather went everywhere on foot or by bus. He met my grandmother at the age of 18. My grandfather used to go to see her by bike to Huelva.
My grandfather before living in San Juan del Puerto, lived in Zalar ( Granada ), Bilbao and finally he arrived in San Juan del Puerto, because he had to work.

My grandfather told me that now the children don't have to leave school to work, but at that time many of them heeded to earn money to help their family.

He always tells me not to miss the opportunity to study now that I can.

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011



De nuevo este año nuestro centro participa en un Proyecto Comenius. Como novedad, nuestro alumnado tendrá la oportunidad, no sólo de trabajar en las actividades que han propuesto los diferentes departamentos didácticos, sino que también podrán conocer los distintos centros asociados.“Stories of everyday life”(Historias de la vida cotidiana) es el tema alrededor del cual se desarrollarán las actividades. 

Entre los días 11 y 15 de Noviembre ha tenido lugar en Lippstadt el primer encuentro entre el profesorado de todos los centros asociados: Lippstadt (Alemania), Cles (Italia), Belfast (Irlanda del Norte) y San Juan del Puerto (España).
Agradecemos al profesorado de Lippstadt su hospitalidad y esperamos ponernos a trabajar muy pronto para que el próximo encuentro en Belfast sea también un éxito.