
domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

My grandmother (by Soraya Hidalgo)

My grandmother was born on October 25th, in 1938; in a country house nearly a village, called Calañas.
My grandmother grew up in relatievely big family. She had got six brothers, one sister and her parents.
She played the “rayuela” and the typical games of that time.
At the age of ten, she moved to the Cerro Del Andévalo. They lived in a small house, in a long and narrow street.
During her adolescence, my grandmother worked in the village selling milk. She had to the country to go to the village (Calañas).
She did that way every day to earn money.
Thanks to this tout she met with a boy that was working in the country. They went to pick up mushrooms and they fell in love.
Later, when my grandmother was an adult she moved to Calañas whit my grandfather. There they had children, one boy and three girls. The children helped them in the house, because my grandmother had to take care to his small son.
My grandmother always has taken care of me and my cousins. I believe my grandmother has been very brave that’s why I admire her.

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